RE: Minis in the News
From: "Rick Rutherford" <rick@e...>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:05:57 -0500
Subject: RE: Minis in the News
You'll have to ask the "vice-president of miniatures" (or was that the
miniature-president of vice?) :)
BTW, I apologize for sending the original message to the list -- I
fat-fingered the addresses when sending it to my local gaming group, and
accidentally included the GZG list in my definition of "everybody".
Rick Rutherford
Systems Engineer
Electronic Systems, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Burger []
> If, thanks to the recent industry shakeups, Ral Partha looses the D&D
> minis licence, does anyone know what that'll mean for their excellent
> Battlesystem 15mm fantasy figures? Among the best fantasy
> 15mm's going -
> hope they're not going, going, gone!
> This is OT, but I was curious...
> Brian ( -DS2/SG2/FR!/HOTT-