[FT]Variable Fire Arcs...
From: Donald Hosford <hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 01:52:47 -0500
Subject: [FT]Variable Fire Arcs...
Ok everyone...after I asked about those extra arcs, I got to thinking
(I know -- very dangerous!). So I threw togather some ideas, and here
they are: I am braced for the commentarys...8D
This is an ascii text file I typed up on my laptop. It has some
drawings in it.
Donald Hosford
Firearcs.txt Variable Firing Arcs Written: March
Donald Hosford
(Email: Hosford.Donald@ACD.net)
Purpose: This is my take on a system to allow players to setup the
of their weapons any way they like. This is totally unofficial! If
don't like it, don't use it! If you want to change something, go
ahead. It might even be fun..:)
(A note...never tell someone that something isn't possible...they will
prove you wrong the moment you turn your back...8D)
Fire Arc Illustrations Clock
Circular 12
New System Old System Half Arcs Arc 11 | 1
10, \ | /
\ F / , FQ , FH | C '-\|/-'
FP \ / FS '-, ,-' | 9 ----O----
----O---- PQ O SQ ----O---- PH O SH O ,-/|\-,
AP / \ AS ,-' '-, | 8' / | \
/ A \ ' AQ ' AH | 7 | 5
Arc Values:
2 per arc 3 per arc 6 per arc 6 per arc 12 per arc
(In increments of 30 degrees.)
Buying a weapon:
1) Add up the "Arc Values".
2) Index the Arc Value, and Weapon on the table. Result is the mass of
Weapon Mass Table (Numbers in ()'s are original values from the Fleet
Arc Value
Weapon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Class 1 Beam 1 - - - - (1)
Class 1 costs: \Cost 1 /\ Cost 2 /\ Cost 3 /
Class 2 Beam 1 - (2) - - (3)
Class 3 Beam (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10)
Class 4 Beam (8) (10) (12) (14) (16) (18)
Submunitions pack (1) 1 1 1 1 2
Needle Beam (2) - 2 - - 3
Pulse Torpedo (4) (5) (6) 7 8 9
Nova Cannon (20) 25 30 35 40 45
Wave Gun (12) 15 18 21 24 27
Base cost for all weapons is 3 x the weapon's mass.
(Note: Class 1 beam weapons use the row below it to find it's cost.)
Inbetween arc values:
Weapon mass: Use next higher mass.
Weapon cost: Use next lower mass, x 3, add 1 per arc value higher.
Example: Class 2 beam, Arc: FP, AP, FQ. Arc value is 7. This puts the
1 spot higher than 2 mass. The next higher mass value is 3. So this is
weapon's mass. The cost is figured from mass 2 (the next lower mass
and add 1. So the cost is 7 points.
NO ship may carry NO MORE than 2 weapons with 12 arc value! (Means it
shoot in any direction).
Reason: The laws of physics state that no two objects may occupy the
space at the same time. No weapon may fire through the ship it's
on without damaging it. (If a weapon could do this, then logically
couldn't do any damage to anything else, because the ships would be
one reality, and the weapon effects in another...) The end result
this: weapons with a 12 arc value can be mounted in only two
very highest unobstructed spot, and the very lowest unobstructed
And only one weapon in each of those places. If the players are
specific ship miniatures to represent specific ship designs, then
player must be able to point to the spots on the mini where the
are mounted. Note, that this means some ship designs can't have 12
weapons...too many things in the way.
These weapons are exempt from these firearc rules:
Salvo Rack, Salvo Launcher, MT Missle, Point Defence System
Reason: These weapons are either guided missles, or are in small
emplacements scattered all over the ship. In the case of guided
they can be let off any side of the ship. Then they maneuver to
target on their own. The point defence system, I allways assumed
that it
was made up of a number of very small, short ranged
launchers/ect (take your pick). And that these were spread evenly
the ship. When a PDS is hit, it could be said that the control
lines to
this network of weapons is damaged or distroyed.
(A note to Jon (GZG): It isn't possible to abuse these arcs by buying
all 360
degree weapons...First the weapons would be very large, so a ship
carry more than a few. And would be radically outgunned by the
Second, the laws of physics says so...Anyone who insists on using
ships with
more than two 360 degree weapons and is using these rules is
CHEATING! Enough said!)