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Re: [FT] Coilguns

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 18:37:44 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] Coilguns

John C wrote:

> >This gives a higher hit probability for the coilgun than for the
> >"shotgun-style" KV railguns or Human pulse torps out to range 16,
> >at range 19. At range 17-18 and 20-30 the railgun hit ratio is

I had fortunately mis-read you here. Should be "higher hit prob. out to
range 15" - having to roll >range rather than >= makes a difference.
Not that big a difference, though :-(

> I was hoping that the really limited arcs (and the requirment of 
> dedicated Firecons) would help offset this.

As I understood it, the firearc was 1 normal arc wide, which is the
same as for Pulse Torps. The dedicated FC helps, but only for Human
ships :-(


> Yeah, that's what I thought.	The simple, dirty truth of the matter
> this: I like the mechanic, and I wanted to find some way to use it.  
> And, for some reason, my vision of the Kra'Vak includes weapons that 
> do  a LOT of damage. 

That's all right, as long as they pay the appropriate NPV cost for

Here are the hit probabilities I calculated. "#D" means #D6 rolled to
hit; "+#Re" means I've included # re-rolls. The figures should be
reasonably accurate out to range 36 at least, but the higher ranges
should have slightly higher hit probabilities in the +#Re columns (and
the range is really infinite <g>). We're talking fractions of a % here,

Dunno what went wrong in the 3D column; it shouldn't be able to hit at
all at range 18. I was too hurried to check that properly.

Crossing fingers and hoping that the tables won't be *too* garbled in

Hit probabilities for various Coilgun variants:
Range	4D+3Re	4D	3D+4Re 3D	Railgun/P-torp
1	1,000	1,000	1,000	1,000	0,833
2	1,000	1,000	1,000	1,000	0,833
3	1,000	1,000	0,995	0,995	0,833
4	0,999	0,999	0,981	0,981	0,833
5	0,996	0,996	0,954	0,954	0,833
6	0,988	0,988	0,907	0,907	0,833
7	0,974	0,973	0,838	0,838	0,667
8	0,947	0,946	0,755	0,741	0,667
9	0,907	0,903	0,664	0,625	0,667
10	0,854	0,841	0,574	0,505	0,667
11	0,790	0,761	0,491	0,380	0,667
12	0,719	0,664	0,421	0,264	0,667
13	0,647	0,556	0,359	0,167	0,500
14	0,577	0,444	0,303	0,097	0,500
15	0,510	0,336	0,254	0,051	0,500
16	0,448	0,239	0,210	0,023	0,500
17	0,390	0,159	0,171	0,009	0,500
18	0,337	0,097	0,140	0,005	0,500
19	0,288	0,054	0,114	0,000	0,333
20	0,245	0,027	0,093	0,000	0,333
21	0,207	0,012	0,076	0,000	0,333
22	0,174	0,004	0,061	0,000	0,333
23	0,147	0,001	0,048	0,000	0,333
24	0,123	0,000	0,037	0,000	0,333
25	0,102	0,000	0,029	0,000	0,167
26	0,084	0,000	0,023	0,000	0,167
27	0,069	0,000	0,018	0,000	0,167
28	0,057	0,000	0,015	0,000	0,167
29	0,046	0,000	0,011	0,000	0,167
30	0,036	0,000	0,009	0,000	0,167
31	0,028	0,000	0,007	0,000	0,000
32	0,021	0,000	0,005	0,000	0,000
33	0,014	0,000	0,004	0,000	0,000
34	0,009	0,000	0,003	0,000	0,000
35	0,006	0,000	0,002	0,000	0,000
36	0,003	0,000	0,001	0,000	0,000
37	0,002	0,000	0,001	0,000	0,000
38	0,001	0,000	0,000	0,000	0,000
39	0,001	0,000	0,000	0,000	0,000
40	0,001	0,000	0,000	0,000	0,000
41	0,001	0,000	0,000	0,000	0,000
42	0,000	0,000	0,000	0,000	0,000

Average damage/Class for the variant you posted - 'course, it is only
4.2 * the hit probability for the 4D+3Re variant above:

	Coilguns 4D6+Re
Range		Avg. Dmg/Class
1			4,200
2			4,200
3			4,200
4			4,197
5			4,184
6			4,151
7			4,090
8			3,976
9			3,808
10			3,585
11			3,317
12			3,020
13			2,718
14			2,422
15			2,141
16			1,880
17			1,639
18			1,414
19			1,210
20			1,029
21			0,869
22			0,732
23			0,616
24			0,515
25			0,428
26			0,354
27			0,291
28			0,238
29			0,193
30			0,153
31			0,117
32			0,086
33			0,060
34			0,039
35			0,024
36			0,014
37			0,009
38			0,006
39			0,004
40			0,004
41			0,004
42			0,004

And finally average damages/Mass for the FB1 weapons (except missiles):

Average damage/Mass for P-torps & SMP:
Range	P-torp(1)	P-torp(3)	Sub-Pack
0 - 6	0,729		0,486		2,400
6 - 12	0,583		0,389		1,600
12 -18	0,438		0,292		0,800
18 -24	0,292		0,194		0,000
24 -30	0,146		0,097		0,000
30 -36	0,000		0,000		0,000

Average damage/Mass for beams vs no screens:
Range	Class-1 Class-2(6) Class-3(1) Class-3(3) Class-3(6)
0 - 12	0,800		0,533	    0,600	0,400	   0,267
12 -24	0,000		0,267	    0,400	0,267	   0,178
24 -36	0,000		0,000	    0,200	0,133	   0,089

Average damage/Mass for beams vs Screen lvl-1:
Range	Class-1 Class-2(6) Class-3(1) Class-3(3) Class-3(6)
0 - 12	0,633	0,422	    0,475	0,317	   0,211
12 -24	0,000	0,211	    0,317	0,211	   0,141
24 -36	0,000	0,000	    0,158	0,106	   0,070

Average weapon/Mass for beams vs Screen lvl-2:
Range	Class-1 Class-2(6) Class-3(1) Class-3(3) Class-3(6)
0 -12	0,467		0,311	   0,350	0,233	   0,156
12 -24	0,000		0,156	   0,233	0,156	   0,104
24 -36	0,000		0,000	   0,117	0,078	   0,052


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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