Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem
From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 07:16:52 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem
Beth blinked and said:
>>>just that an abstraction. Thus I really can't see the problem with
>>>movement, turn, push.
>>The difficulty is that a Drive 6 ship can end up moving a max of 8,
not 6.
>OK, I think I'm working from a different premise here. I haven't had a
>chance to read the background behind the tech as yet (Derek has
>just said rules are blah), so maybe I'm way off track with the way I
>of things, but as far as I'm concerned Thrust ratings is for
>that engine going straight ahead and thrusters are something additional
Start from scratch here. Main Drive 6 means that you can use your main
engine at full power for the entire turn, and you add 6 to your vector.
Thruster 3 means you can spend the entire turn using your side engines
rotate and push. Thus if you do MD 6, rotate 90 degrees and push 2,
used 100% of your turn for Main Drive + 100% for your Thruster = 200%.
>>>Furthermore, as far as I can see all the modifications etc.
>>One simple modificaion
Oops, I correct myself: Someone proposed using the "/" symbol to
thrust segments. That way would give you move maneuverability and be
realistic. My way would be simpler. Someone else also proposed not
thruster pushes at all which would be even simpler....
>So is it a physics thing that makes this move such a bad thing? Have I
>my ideas about engines cock-eyed or what? I am seriously trying to
>understand what the fuss is all about - though I guess if I ever
>to shut up then there probably wouldn't be much of a fuss ;)
I suspect the listers would appreciate if further enlightenment (for
of us) took place off list. if you want to continue