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Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem

From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 07:32:18 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Beth Fulton wrote:

>	I guess this topic is dead and buried already,

as long as there are two gamers left alive on earth, this thread will go
on ... we like to argue!

> Basically the way I see it is that the vector movement system
> is pretty stylised already. Its a nifty abstraction I'll admit, but
> just that an abstraction.

right; it's a game mechanic, and it does it's job admirably.

> Thus I really can't see the problem with
> movement, turn, push.

as has been said, i think people don't like the idea that a ship can
actually have more acceleration that its stated main drive, especially
there is no way this particular maneuver could be done in the real world
(well, almost no way ...).

> One more question though, does some of the resistance to the 'bad'
> move come from those used to cinematic or is more a case of it being
> just too grating for the physics-oriented to swallow?

for me, it's the physics. as a game mechanic, i rather like thruster
pushes - they're very space opera. however, in terms of the actual
physics, they're basically not possible.


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