Re: [DS] Stone mountain mini sci fi line
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 21:11:10 +0000
Subject: Re: [DS] Stone mountain mini sci fi line
>Is anyone familiar with the above 6mm Sci-Fi line?
>I have the denizen 25mm line and they're quite good. Was wondering if
>the same applied to the micros...
They're the Dark Star line by Adler Minis in the UK, Leon who runs Adler
a close friend of Chub from Denizen and they share a casting machine.
Dark Star stuff is VERY nice indeed, very high-tech Traveller-inspired
stuff, but even in the UK is pretty expensive (£1.95 for a single grav
The Dark Star infantry are 6mm copies of the Denizen figs, in Adler's
typical style - lots of detail but very caricatured proportions (very
heads). Well recommended, and they all fit in quite well with our DSM
Jon (GZG)