Re:[OT] Attention Devan!
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 09:42:29 -0800
Subject: Re:[OT] Attention Devan!
Tim Jones wrote:
> Maybe we should have a forbidden threads list too ;-0
> GW
> Gun law
> Sex
> Politics
> Religion
> Nationalism
> Computer operating systems
Ah another futile attempt to quash the free flow of ideas :-p Well
considering almost everyone of those has a direct tie into GZG in some
form I'd say you would be cutting out alot worth talking about. SST lays
the ground work for Power Armor. If you can see beyond (or ignore)
whether you think the universe is fascist or the movie can't hold a
candle to the book, (no argument there) there is Science fiction in
there that has become the basis for very much of today's SF. It's one of
teh grandaddy's of combat SF from which many ideas originated. Also
there are GZG SST conversions (old and new ones in progress) which tie
directly into this list.
Same with GW, there are Epic and W40k conversions to GZG. Of course the
very subject of GW as a business entity probably sends shivers through
the spine of most GZG gamers. ggrrrr
Gun Laws I gotta agree with ya.
Sex, oh well I suppose so. ;-)
Politics, religion and nationalism? That's pretty much the whole reason
every war we simulate in GZG starts. And almost any discussion of the
fiction or motivation of various GZG or other SF powers illicits,
through discussions, comparison with current or past events some event
in order to make a poster's point. Of course, at that point things are
as apt to devolve down to irrelevant discussion as not. (Most of which
end of policing themselves) But still better for having the discussion
than not
Computer operating systems? I assume means the holy wars between Mac and
Win95? I haven't seen one of those for a while. People occasionally ask
questions of this list and get pertinent answer to questions that help
them solve problems. I don't have a problem with that.
The majority of discussions on this list are relevant to the interests
of the whole even if individuals sometimes disagree with individual
threads. Some spin off into irrelevancy occasionally but they die off
just like any other. You're ranting about SST movie vs book probably
prolonged the thread longer than it would have lived otherwise. <grin>
That's life on this mailing list, might as well unsub now if you're
going to jump up and down the nano-second something strays off of your
idea of a proper thread. Pay someone you trust to forward you your
list of Ok subjects. I'll do it for $25 a month US. <only kidding>