Re: FT: FB2 Preview - Obi Wan Tuffley (Thruster pushes)
From: alun.thomas@c...
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 12:30:26 +0000
Subject: Re: FT: FB2 Preview - Obi Wan Tuffley (Thruster pushes)> wrote:
> >Vector Movement Modification Proposal:
> >Main Drive thrust and Thruster Pushes must be executed together; they
> >not be separated by a Facing Change.
> Hmmm, an interesting thought, and one that I can see the rationale
> behind... what does anyone else think?
It still doesn't solve the problem an MD burn of 6 combined with any
push will give a total thrust of over 6.
For example MD6 and TP6 at right angles gives a thrust of just under 8.5
- worse than in the original example, and with no heading changes
The simplest solutions I can see are either:
a) ban thruster pushes altogether (although they can be used for
the effect is too small to show up in combat)
b) don't allow ships to use thruster pushes in the same turn as MD