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Possible DS2 terrain idea

From: "Charles/Doc" <douglase@o...>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 06:12:12 -0600
Subject: Possible DS2 terrain idea

Hello All,

    It all started by buying a Navy carrier model so I could use all of
small airplanes and helicopters for use with DS2/BT.  Then I turned the
over and placed part of the bridge on top. The hull is about 16 inches
Hmmm.  Than I started to put various bits and pieces on it.  After
buying a
battleship model I put some turrets and small anti-aircraft guns in
places.  With lots of antennae and nifty bits attached it started to
more and more like a space vessel.  I used the hangar elevator openings
unloading doors adding ramps and cranes in appropriate places.
    Now all I need to do is work out some type of landing gear for this
monster.  It is supposed to be a small/medium space ship with landing
capabilities to disembark troops.  First thought was to just say it
on the bottom side of it hull but this just looked like a ship laying
around.  Any type of gear that lifts the entire body off the ground
looks a
bit odd.(that is a lot of tonnage to be up in the air)	Any hints or
suggestions for additional modifications would be appreciated.
    Once completed it should make for a very interesting center piece
for a
DS2 scenerio. My only big concern is that people don't look at the thing
think "Look its a capsized boat".  If it turns out I will have a large
cruiser type ship to make out of the battleship hull.

That Chuk Guy
      PS soon to be in Okinawa Japan for 4 years.  Wouldn't happen to be
anyone in that area that plays?  Quite the long shot I am thinking.

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