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Re: [FT] Houserules for bringing MT missiles into FB

From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 05:59:47 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Houserules for bringing MT missiles into FB

Actually, I like most the original EW rule, and some of the More Thrust
What I really don't want is "now that you have weaseled...  (Include
atleast 20
restrictions in this space.)"  SFB is too rules heavy, and I'm forever
leary of
FT getting too rules heavy.


Denny Graver wrote:

> >No!	Please No!  Not Wild Weasels from SFB!
> >
> >IAS
> Wouldn't a weaselboat from FT, or a dummy bogey do this anyway? An SML
> in anticipation of a ships movement will not	necessarily be within
36" of
> the firing ship - an SML 'wasted' on such  a ship/dummy, will serve
just as
> well.
> Or can I assume that now the fleet book is in common use, that people
> use them.

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