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Anyone use Liquitex Paints?

From: Kevin Walker <sage@m...>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 01:21:34 -0600
Subject: Anyone use Liquitex Paints?

Has anyone on the list (or off the list) have experience painting minis 
with Liquitext Acrylics (or any other artist quality acrylics).

I've been a miniature enthusiast for over 18 years (not long by some 
people's standards).  I've finally gotten fed up with Game$ Work$hop's 
Citadel brand paints and inks and Ral Parthas stuff.  Don't get me
both lines have there good (and bad) points.  Unfortunately for my
they dry to quickly, giving me little time to work with them once I've 
transferred the paint to my palette.  Another problem I've found is the 
consistancy from lot to lot.  I've also used Testor's Model Masters, 
Floquil and Polly S.  With the Polly S and Floquil lines going through 
some major changes and the watery nature of Testor's line I fine myself 
longing for something else.

I realize there will be a number of differences...  and that I may need 
to take some classes on art for once ;-)   However, that aside - Is it 
possible to use these mediums as a means of finishing minis off.

Also, what lines of inks do people like?  I'm really tired of being oh
careful in handling Citadels paint pots only to have ink leak around the

sides of the cap when I tighten it up.

Thanks in advance to those that might be able to help.

Kevin Walker			 Mac / Windows Developer		 Software Engineer
Rochester  MN  USA		 Currently Available for Hire!!!

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