Re: [DS2] Dropship (was: My order)
From: Mike.Elliott@b...
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 12:47:43 +0000
Subject: Re: [DS2] Dropship (was: My order)
>I've got three of them (the small ones). They don't look like
>they'll hold much armour (maybe two or three vehicles at a
>pinch), but they can easily hold a platoon of PA.
>When you're not actually using them in a game, they make great
>terrain at the "spaceport". See
Are you sure you're talking about the same thing? The dropship in the
range is a white metal 6mm version of the 25mm Tactical Interface
Transport. It can take ONE small vehicle (about Size class 2). Sounds as
you are referring to
the resin model usually listed as a Platoon Dropship?
Mike Elliott
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