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Re: was: RE: [semi-OT] News on Jon White, ex-list admin. Now a

From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 18:10:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: was: RE: [semi-OT] News on Jon White, ex-list admin. Now a

On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Adrian Johnson wrote:

> >It's funny ot think English is one of the few cases of a language 
> >lots of folk claim to speak, and yet someone from the Hebrides 
> >speaking English will have real trouble talking to someone from 
> >Memphis or someone from Alice Springs or Detroit's Inner City.  
> >
> >To bring this OT for GZG, I wonder how to simulate this in GZG games 
> >- difficulties (increased roll req'd) for support requests and other 
> >commo requests between nationalities? Or do we assume on board 
> >translation AI takes care of all this in the future? 
> We assume that everybody gets trained in "Standard English" during
> Training, and we send the Scots, Irish, Australians, and anybody from
> Liverpool off for remedial English-as-a-second-dialect training...  

On a slightly less off topic note, what about the Spanish-speaking
population of the NAC? The NAC controls S. America, remember...I'd
civil services would be offered in either language, but I'd think
would be the military language. Spanish-language units are likely
Majesty's Loyal B.A. Dragoons...) but English would be the operating

Either way, lots and lots more Spanish loan words in English, si? :)
some sort of "Spanglish" is the everyday language in many areas, w/
Standard English being taught to new recruits. (I won't go into the
English-as-a-second-dialect thing any deeper than I already am from

Brian (			-DS2/SG2/FR!/HOTT-
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