Re: [FT] Fighter group sizes
From: John Leary <john_t_leary@p...>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:48:25 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Fighter group sizes
Izenberg, Noam wrote:
> FT Fighters:
> As I understand it, the standard 6-fighter group is simply a
> for ship building and book keeping.
> Perhaps these questions are too niggling, but tell me if you'd rather
> face a CV with 6 groups of 6 or 18 groups of 2 fighters?
> Noam - Trying not to be a munchkin or lawyer, but exploring both the
> letter and spirit of the rules.
As I understand the entry in the FT/MT book it says 'Fighter group
bay---- mass 6.'. So in FT/MT putting one fighter in the bay is not
mass efficient and no one I can think of would want to do that.
As for the FB:
This really only would work for even numbers of fighters. Otherwise the
mass roundoff would kill you. At the present I cannot find where the
rules state that all fighters can start on the board, and even if
I would create a house rule to return to the two squadron launch a turn
on the spot. Furthermore I would allow the PDAF/PDS to kill as may
as are attacking the ship without reguard for the squadron size as this
is more realistic.
Bye for now,
John L.