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Re: assemblying FT minis

From: Robert Crawford <crawford@i...>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 21:01:24 +0000
Subject: Re: assemblying FT minis

On Tue, Feb 16, 1999 at 02:47:28PM -0500, -MWS- wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Geo-Hex wrote:
> > The second change will be to go to plastic base stands for the
> > models in the lines, both to reduce costs and to allow the extra 
> > model in the packs.  This way we hope to put two of every cruiser in

> > a pack and perhaps four scouts and frigates.
> This is one change that I personally don't welcome - the 12-point
flight bases
> that you folks produce is one of the best flight stands around for
> Thrust.  Plastic stands may be cheaper to produce, but I end up
tossing them
> out and buying extra pewter stands anyway, or painstakingly kitbashing
> equivalent.  Also, plastic stands don't provide any counterweight to
> top-heavy nature of the ship model - if you don't glue heavy fender
washers on
> a plastic stand, the model falls over with the least little bump.

	If it's only for the lighter ships, and there are more ships
in each pack, I'm 100% behind this change. It always annoyed me to
see scouts with more metal in the stands than in the ships -- that's
why the only light ships I have are Traveller and Reviresco.

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	-- Microsoft employee Vinod Valloppillil, on his first exposure
	to Linux development

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