Re: Space Stations
From: Donald Hosford <hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 14:46:03 -0500
Subject: Re: Space Stations
cgray wrote:
> In our campaign right now we are building Large space stations
> planets and we were guessing they would have man thrusters but not
> thrust per se we also included SHipyards (like Starfire) and a very
> economic system (like starfire) so we can build expand fight battles
etc :)
> one person has a very large Space station with 17 SY modules and can
> like 40 squadrons of fighters (not very nice) however of course it
> move and pretty much protects home worlds so most of the fighting will
> on in the edges of your empires (where we think it should be)
What are you using for strategic movement? Starfire warppoints? One of
Nyrath's maps?
Donald Hosford