Prev: [FTFB] Not ships, exactally. . . Next: RE: Manuever warfare was:Anti-Tank guns


From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 01:14:22 -0500
Subject: 婇⁇楆瑣潩㩮删뛃⁴慈敦

Howdy everyone...
The next chapter of the Röt Hafen saga is out, Chapter nine "Charlie's
Cat." 946 fights for its life as
it tries
to extrcate itself from the city. (Among other things). With any luck,
only got one more chapter to go, but it'll be a big one! enjoy.


Prev: [FTFB] Not ships, exactally. . . Next: RE: Manuever warfare was:Anti-Tank guns