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Re: Battle report of small missle ships

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 20:15:41 +0100
Subject: Re: Battle report of small missle ships

cgray wrote:

> >Not clear what you mean here. If you say that one ship took over 72
> >of damage and the other 50-60 pts that seems reasonable; but a 
> > *single* SM salvo can't inflict more than 36 damage (6 missiles on 
> > target, none shot down and all rolling 6 for damage).
> > 
> sorry meant the total amount of damge from missles the guy who taught
us said to count up how many missle hits the roll PD and the roll dice
> each missle is that incorrect?

Basically correct, but the term "salvo" in the Salvo Missile rules
specifically to one single 6-missile/2-Mass (or 3-Mass, for ER)
slot". Each PDS can only engage one such salvo, so you shouldn't add all
on-target missiles together until you've resolved PD fire.

In this battle, in rule terms one ship was hit by 6 salvoes (and took a
total of 72+ damage) while the other was hit by 4 salvoes (and took
damage) rather than each ship being hit by one salvo each - thus my

> >This is *extremely* impressive SM shooting - you hit with every SM 
> > salvo, which suggests that your opponents flew straight ahead. The 
> > NSL can't do much else, of course, but the ESU frigates aren't easy 
> > targets (and the BC has at least some ability to dodge SMs).
> >
> They had pretty predicable plots yes and moved pretty slow <4 so it 
> wasnt too dificult

GACK! <4 isn't "pretty slow". IMO <4 is "immobilized", regardless of
movement system you're using. 

As a rule of thumb I fly at speeds of 3-6x Thrust rating in Cinematic
movement and at speeds of 2-4x Thrust in Vector movement... and I prefer
thrust-6 or faster ships :-/ I know most people on the list fly at lower
speeds than I do, though.


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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