Re: GZG Encyclopedia Starmap Second Wave
From: DracSpy@a...
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 18:30:58 EST
Subject: Re: GZG Encyclopedia Starmap Second Wave
In a message dated 99-02-07 17:10:55 EST, you write:
<< With the factionated nature of the Kra'Vak postulated in discussions
had some time ago, multiple axis of advance makes sense. In fact, I'd
be surprised if only two were used. BTW, I think it would be beyond
corny, into the realms of 1930s pulp SF, to have them pointed at Sol.
How would the K'V know where we come from? At least until Rot
Hafen--it's established they captured a lot of that colony in one
so they would have plenty of astrographical data to play with, once
figured out our measuring conventions.
John M. Atkinson
What I ment by that it that it would be pointed at the Human
starsystems, not
"grazing" them.