Re: ISO Hammer's Slammers [Was: Re: [URL] Latest GZG Advert]
From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 15:57:55 -0500
Subject: Re: ISO Hammer's Slammers [Was: Re: [URL] Latest GZG Advert]
BTW, I hoping to start reading the Hammer's Slammers series as
soon as
>I can track down a copy of the first book. According to and
>Barnes $ Noble, it's out of print. Normally the next stop would be the
>library. However, I found to my chagrin that none of my area
>have it either. I'm going to check out the used bookstores tomorrow.
>However, if any one on the list can help me track down a copy, I'll be
>eternally grateful.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't Baen Books just
release a compilation book of all the early Hammer's Slammers stories,
including the first short novel and short stories that appeared in other
places? I'm sure I saw this in a store in the last six months.