Re: Arabic Empire in space was: Re: NSL, Not Nazis.
From: DracSpy@a...
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 15:26:45 EST
Subject: Re: Arabic Empire in space was: Re: NSL, Not Nazis.
In a message dated 99-02-04 14:04:19 EST, you write:
<< > The worms realy like the Screen Generators,
true; i wonder if you could build traps for worms based on that ...
> what would there stats be?
they would probably need the modular vehicles rules. or you could
them with FT :-).
Tom >>
In book 3, after Leto gets his Sandtrout Suit, a person places a
next to him, all you need is a generator and some one who can run fast,
just a sling shot. I can see it now: a small shell comes into the
nothing happens, a few minutes latter a worm comes and gets ride of the
you and the worm win.