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Re: hello

From: Matthew Seidl <seidl@v...>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 08:17:36 -0700
Subject: Re: hello

On Thu, 05 Nov 1998 20:09:48 -0800, "cgray" writes:
>I have been a player of sci fi games for quite sometime I just was
>introduced to Full Thrust I have a  couple of questions if anybody
>enlighten me :)
>when using the original rules for movement It goes
>and if it does then if someone plots revers acceleration do they effect
>drift of THAT turn or is it the next or...something else entirely

Movement goes as follows:

First, plot your move, 1P+2, 2S-2, whatever.  (Cinematic) or whatever
the notation is for vector.

Second, in cinematic, add or subtract the veloctiy change from your
current speed, thats your new speed.  The change is immediate and
effects this turn.

Then move 1/2 your move, do 1/2 your turn, 1/2 move, 1/2 turn.

For vector again, the orders effect this turns movement.  It doesn't
mater if you apply them at the beginning, middle, or end, as you end
up in the same place.  The only thing that might matter is if you have
things like mines, planets, etc to avoid.  Then its a house rules

-=- Matthew L. Seidl		email:		
=-= Graduate Student			Project . . . What Project?	
-=- 	 -Morrow Quotes 

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