ISO Hammer's Slammers [Was: Re: [URL] Latest GZG Advert]
From: "Mark A. Siefert" <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 02:37:38 -0600
Subject: ISO Hammer's Slammers [Was: Re: [URL] Latest GZG Advert]
Steven Arrowsmith wrote:
> Ok Jon, just tell me where to send the money order!!! ;)
Better yet... any chance adding these babies to the Geo-Hex
inventory? Those resin tanks look SWEET! Just the thing to go with my
UN troops and their APCs. (It would be even sweeter if I could track
down someone who plays SGII locally, but as the poet-sage Mick Jagger
said "You can't always get what you want.")
BTW, I hoping to start reading the Hammer's Slammers series as
soon as
I can track down a copy of the first book. According to and
Barnes $ Noble, it's out of print. Normally the next stop would be the
library. However, I found to my chagrin that none of my area libraries
have it either. I'm going to check out the used bookstores tomorrow.
However, if any one on the list can help me track down a copy, I'll be
eternally grateful.
Mark A. Siefert