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Re: [TEST] I've got the POWER!!!

From: Mark Sykes <tardis@r...>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 22:23:14 +1100
Subject: Re: [TEST] I've got the POWER!!!

At 11:43 PM -0600 2/2/99, Mark A. Siefert wrote:
>Laserlight wrote:
>[Snipping other undeserved attacks on my baby]
>> The correct response is, of course:
>> Great, Mark!  But tell me, when are you going to get a *real*
>	If it makes any of you feel better, I'm already having a
>problem.  It seems my Sidewinder 3D Pro stick isn't working.  I've
>installed the same drivers I used on the 75 Pentium, but the stick
>control is going haywire.  I'm downloading a new driver from
>right now.  While that's doing that, I'm kicking back in a comfy chair,
>watching a DVD of 2001.
>Mark A. Siefert

Is this a case of thePower Without The Glory?
Shame that the Macintosh world has no equivalent of Pentium calculation
approximations and problems with the Y2K bug!



All the way from Gallifrey...

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