Re: ARRRGHHHH!!! ( Was Re: Rules for BFG/FT Conversion.)
From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 21:56:15 -0500
Subject: Re: ARRRGHHHH!!! ( Was Re: Rules for BFG/FT Conversion.)
John C wrote:
> I do hope that they do Tyrannid rules at some point. If the ships
> in fact, larger than the orginial releases, it will finally give me a
> fleet with some capital ships. Sixty ships is a decent fleet...but
> your largest ship is the size of an crusier, it can be a bit
> demoralizing.
Mr. Chambers said that things like Tyrannid rules will
appear only if this initial game sells well.
This game is intentionally limited to just the "Gothic
War" period, to limit the number and type of miniatures
that have to be produced.
Mr. Chambers also said something to the effect that
Game$ Work$hop had a "sculptor shortage", i.e., they
have far more miniatures pending than they have
sculptors to create them.