Re: [FT] GZG Model Scale
From: "Steve Pugh" <steve@w...>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 14:52:30 -0000
Subject: Re: [FT] GZG Model Scale
Alan E & Carmel J Brain wrote:
> Steven Arrowsmith wrote:
> >
> > The scale of the models is (very nominally) 1/2000 - 1/2400;..
> Ta for the info. Interesting, this means they are very light for their
> volume, more like aircraft construction than ship. Which makes sense I
> suppose... but makes the USS Enterprise look rather compact in
Well, the original Enterprise was 289m long and the movie version was
305m long. At the scale above they would be between 12 and 15 cm
long. That's big when compared to the FT ships.
The mass of the Enterprise has always been suspect, whilst most
sources have said something between 150,000 and 200,000mt there is
dialogue in the orginal series which stated a mass of a million
In my attempts to do FB stats for the movie era ships, I've had great
difficulty making the Enterprise less than 180 mass and it could
easily be a lot larger.
The Ground Zero Games Meta-FAQ is available at
Steve Pugh <>