More thoughts on Encyclopedia
From: "Jeremy Sadler" <jsadler@e...>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 00:59:45 +1100
Subject: More thoughts on Encyclopedia
I've done some more thinking, and have had some changes of attitude.
1. Editor/Project Manager
Perhaps one person is not the best thing. This is an immense
and would probably require a large amount of time. Two or three people -
_responsible_ people - would be better, I think.
2. Content
As someone said (and I paraphrase) "let's boot this thing!" Some people
been firing URLs to the list of their ideas for headings/logos etc.
this is good, I firmly believe at this time we need to be developing
CONTENT. The writing can be the default font with default colours for
all I
care (which is probably better, considering the wide variety of end
but we need to start on it, kick this thing into gear.
Of course, to do this, we need people to run with it.
I would recommend that anyone who wishes to put their name into the ring
Project Manager position do so through this list. Someone (probably me!)
collect the names, and we can proceed from there.
3. Hosting
I've had a major rethink on this. Distributed hosting is a no-no. It
be a logistical nightmare. Mirrors yes. Distributed hosting no. One
preferably free and not someone's personal space, that is set up by one
person and in the control of that one person (probably the/one of the
project managers).
Someone suggested Xoom. I've never used Xoom, but I think I'll look into
(Oh dear... some are born to greatness, some have greatness thrust upon
them... am I talking so much as to end up in a PM position? <grin>)
To summarise:
Two or three Head People. Content first, presentation second. Hosting in
Jeremy Sadler
Unofficial Stargrunt II Web Site