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Re: A Stealth Primer (and [FT-AAR] a NAC/NI AAR - "Wargames")

From: "Stop the car?? This is a car chase! I went through considerable trouble to set this up." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 14:10:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: A Stealth Primer (and [FT-AAR] a NAC/NI AAR - "Wargames")

>> >OK, here's where I run into trouble.  See, I use the 3" radius.
>> >Otherwise SMLs are just too easy to hit with.  Hell, with a 3" it's
>> >still pretty easy.
>> Note: you use Vector; we were using Cinematic.
>So how would you handle it?  3/3/2 for none/1/2?  Or just 3?

I'm not sure. I'm not an SML-master, and we haven't really addressed
consideration yet.

>> Hey, now I wouldn't mind that.  ;-) ;-) ;-)	(just kidding, Noam!)
>I note you didn't seem to object to the Stealth 2 fighters, where that
>sounds like the most unbalancing part to me. 

I wasn't happy with the Stealth-2 ftrs, no (in case that wasn't clear in
my AAR ;). I don't know if they are or are not unbalanced. I think
and I need to play another game, same scenario, and see what happens.
switch sides and see what happens. No, definitely switch sides and see
happens.  :)  The only thing will be to...find the time.  :-/

I'm not giving in to security under pressure,
I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure,
I'm not giving up on implausible dreams -
Experience to extremes...experience to extremes....
					   Rush - "The Enemy Within"

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