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[FT-AAR] comment NAC/NI AAR

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@p...>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 10:50:54 -0800
Subject: [FT-AAR] comment NAC/NI AAR

Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
> John Leary wrote:
> Noam's changed his mind after our discussion, level-1 reduces enemy
> ranges by 1/4, level-2 by 1/3.
     I admit errors.   The device is even more ugly than I thought. JTL
> >		     also acts as a screen/level
> Again unless Noam changed his mind, no it doesn't.
     His fighters with their Stealth-2 were acting as if they had 2
levels of screening, which made it a true pain to take them down. I got
lucky only once (see Turn 8).

     This is Indys statement that generated my 'acts like a screen'
comment.   (But then I probably forgot Indy was rolling the dice!
:-)   )  

Question(Noam/Indy): Is it safe to say that once the fighters got
inside the range of the ships defensive fire the 'stealth' went
away and the fighters were treated as normal (standard) fighters?  JTL
> > Question: What is the mass/cost of this 'stealth' device.
> Same as for screens of the same level.
     Well, I guess the primary objection to the device is partly in the
name (Since it will cause confusion with the concept of Stealth.)
Second objection: This systems primary function is to reduce the 
range of weapons on ALL enemy ships.   This is accomplished without 
a 'to hit' of any kind.  This is an area effect system that does not
have any effect on friendly ships. 

1) Since this is more like a weapon system, it should have a 'to hit'.
  (Like basic beams)
2) This weapon should have a range and be limited at to the
   number of targets it can effect.  (Like the number of FCS on the
   firing ship.

Bye for now,
John L.

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