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Re: AoG ships in UK (was: RE: Anyone use FB ships?)

From: Jason Stephensen <J.Stephensen@m...>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 11:58:15 +1000
Subject: Re: AoG ships in UK (was: RE: Anyone use FB ships?)

At 11:31 AM 1/22/99 +1000, you wrote:
>At 01:10 AM 1/22/99 +0000, you wrote:
>>Oh, yes there are! Hobbygames are bringing them in, whether "legally"
>>through a US distributor as grey imports I don't know, but they are
>>certainly available to shops if they want them - a couple of the
>>traders at the UK shows carry them, as do quite a few shops (Orky has
>>so do Caliver Books, and even my local comics shop has a few in!).
>>like the T'loth and Hyperion are around £9.95, but the Bin'Tak is
>Sixteen quid!	Luxury!  Out here in the lands of Oz, we get charged $40
>the Bin'Tak and a whopping $45 for the Octurian!  Sixteen Quid!?! 
>Wish they'd extract the digits and release the Nova Dreadnaught and
>Stars though.....

Except that instead of being the $10 (Aus) they were speculating about
first they will likely be over $20 (Aus). Boom goes my idea of amassing
White Star Fleet to scare the pants off of opponents.

I've seen the rip-off casting of the white star and while it's close to
mark, it just dosen't make it in my mind. 

>   "And how do you suppose we stop them?
>      Get a big red sign with the word 
>	     STOP written on it?"	   
		 Colonel Abrahms, 22nd Oceania Regiment
		  "He dosen't know what he wants.
			  He's Insane"

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