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[FT] scenario ideas for big ships

From: JDoch226@a...
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 00:02:18 EST
Subject: [FT] scenario ideas for big ships

I'm putting together a game for 6 players, who have one or two FT games
their belts, and want to play with the _really_ big ships.  I've got
NAC and FSE ships for about 15 a side, say 4-5 Superdreadnaughts,
Battledreadnaughts, and Battleships, 2-3 Heavy Cruisers, 2-3 Light
and 5-6 Destroyers a side.  Any ideas for a plausible scenario other
than the
old come in on opposite sides of the table and fire away?  My table is 6
by 8.
Jed Docherty

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