Storyline Battles at Conventions
From: "Wasserman, Kurt" <wasku01@m...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:19:42 -0500
Subject: Storyline Battles at Conventions
Five Rings Publishing, that produces the Japanese Mythic CCG "Legend of
Five Rings", does just this. Each year, the results of tourneys at the
major game conventions contribute directly to the storyline. For
the major direction of the plot in the fight of Good(tm) versus Evil(tm)
not decided until the final round at GenCon. They actually did not know
there would be a thousand years of darkness following the battle. VERY
Is there room for such diversity in the FT etc Line? Hope so...
Interesting side note: Imagine a future GZZ ECC that decides the fate of
the official GZG Universe after 2200. You have a campiagn of somesort in
the months leading up, with the final big fight at the con. If the NSL,
NRE, NAC or whatever alien force the humans take on is elimniated then
the discussion of new happenings for that power are stricken from teh
roles forever....
I know it would never happen but imagine the tension and seriousness of
such an important battle. GZG players from around the globe banding
together to fight for the Virtual survival of the Human race.