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Re: [FT] Hardened Systems

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 21:56:22 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Hardened Systems

>Standard system:
>Treshold:		Chance to lose...
>		1 system	2 systems
>1st		  27.8%     2.8%
>2nd		  49.4%    19.8%
>3rd		  40.1%    52.2%
>Hardened systems:
>Treshold:		Chance to lose...
>		1 system	2 systems
>1st		     0% 	      0%
>2nd		  27.8%      2.8%
>3rd		  49.4%     19.8%

Thanx for the corrections in the %-ages. I was sorta winging it.

However, the reduction from 27% to 0, and the 49% to 27%, for the first
thresholds are the important ones in my eyes. Usually after the second
check, a ship is not much longer for this world. Even ignoring that, the
50% seems correct.

Lets say for the moment that 25% is correct. How does the rounding work?

Balance wise, I think that Hardened Systems need to be slightly less
effective than their normal counterparts, or else everyone will use


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