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Re: [FT] Progress report - sourcing "Centauri compatible" ships

From: Thomas.Granvold@E... (Tom Granvold)
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 09:54:30 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Progress report - sourcing "Centauri compatible" ships

Jim Bell & Christine Hartig <> wrote:
> Three miniatures that you may wish to consider for your fleets are
> ICE in the Silent Death Line. The Revenge, Bloodhawk and Eagle are all
> winged ships in the Sentry and Vorchan style. The Bloodhawk is similar
> in size to the AoG Sentry but with more weight, but the wings sweep in
> the opposite direction.

    You can just turn it around and it looks just as good.

>The Eagle in just a much bigger version of the
> Bloodhawk with a wingspan close to a Vorchan. The Revenge is similar
> shape to the Vorchan body without the vertical wing.
> I believe Tom Granvolds website has pictures of all these ships but I
> seem to have misplaced the address. The RAFM website may have pictures
> of these ships though as they produce the ships for ICE.

   My web page mentioned above is at:

   Yes the RAFM site has pictures of most of these miniatures.	Their
site at:  <> does not seem to be

Tom Granvold				<>

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