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Re: Campaign tech levels (research approach) - (was: FTFB:Scenerio + Q?'s)

From: Donald Hosford <hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 00:08:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Campaign tech levels (research approach) - (was: FTFB:Scenerio + Q?'s)

Jared E Noble wrote:

> I think that the solution is to make it a multi-step process to
> the technology.  First research it, as in the chart.	Then refit
> construction yards (a 1 or 2 month process), then begin construction
> refits on actual ships.  If you place a maximum of how many
> points can be allocated to an individual ship each turn, then fighters
> be built in a single turn, while larger ships have a natural slowdown.
> Another benefit is that different shipyards have different
> Your home yards may have recently upgraded to building class-3 beams,
> an outlying shipyard still can only build class-2.  So you prioritize
> gets built where, adding much more flavor.  The same holds true for
> repairs.  Maybe your ship/repair yard near the front lines can't
> pulse torps - so if you want to repair a ship that has had it's pulse
> destroyed, you might be forced to install something else, instead
> your only p-torps yard has gotten toasted...)
> Anyway, that's probably enough rambling for now.
> Jared Noble

I like this idea!  But on second thought, you would have to keep track
of which
shipyards you have upgraded to which technology....  I think this would
for games with a small scope (ie not more than a few dozen stars). 
Could there
be a way around the extra paperwork, (assuming no computer aids...)?

Donald Hosford

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