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Big Beams was: Re: [FT] SMLs, Type 3 & Tactics

From: Eric Fialkowski <ericski@m...>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 10:10:09 -0700
Subject: Big Beams was: Re: [FT] SMLs, Type 3 & Tactics

I hadn't even thought about the sensor range thing.  I'd say that the
advatage to having a beam that could shoot futher than your sensor can
is that once a target is in sensor range, you can start doing some more
damage than 1 die.

The problem I have with big beams is that at *typical* combat ranges
that I
usually find myself in, smaller beams will give better results.  The
battles always seem to get into 1-12 or 13-24 ranges where big beams
their advantages.  I'd much rather have 2 class 3's at close range (6
versus 1 class 4 (4 dice).

<much snipage>

>One problem with the really big weapons is that their maximum range
>to be quite a bit longer than the maximum sensor range - a Class-6 has
>theoretical max range of 72 mu, a Class-16 192 mu - but the standard
>sensor rules  from FT limits the actual firing ranges to 54 mu IIRC.
>'Course, the entire sensor section of the rules needs to be looked over
>for FT3 (or FB2, or something).
>Oerjan Ohlson
>"Life is like a sewer.
>  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
>- Hen3ry

+	   Eric Fialkowski, just me	     +
+					     +
+ +
+					     +

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