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Re: FT/MT vs FB

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 22:41:11 -0500
Subject: Re: FT/MT vs FB

> I won a set of FT rules at a gameday a month ago. Picked up a healthy
> of miniatures at reasonable prices too. Mostly NSL with some FSE. Now,
> I've read the rules I realize there's no stats. Many of the weapons
> I've seen discussed while I lurk don't appear in here either. I
> they were in MT cause I've seen it around.

Right.	There are no official stats before Fleet Book.	And the Fleet
Book makes it clear that those specific stats are just examples.  And a
lot of the new weapons are in More Thrust, other than the SML/SMR.

> But.... I was looking at the FB page on GeoHex's site and it gives the
> impression of being a rules compilation/update with (for lack of a
> term) SSD's.

Yes.  That's correct as well.
> Could someone in the know please elaborate for me? Is it worth it to
go get
> MT if I should really just be getting the FB's?

Buy both!  Both are very useful.

> With regards to the fleets... Do people tend to pick a fleet and play
> per doctrine or do they use the mini's and design their own stats? I

Yes and Yes.  Whatever floats your boat.

> some mini's from this fleet and some from that one. The fleet (as a
> that I like the looks of the best
> is FSE but it's weapons loadout doesn't favor what I perceive to be my
> style of play.

Make up your own, using the minis you like.

> Where would I find descriptions of the loadouts favoured by each of
> 'Powers' and their usual tactics?

Fleet Book.

John M. Atkinson

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