RE: Ubermensch in DSII?
From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 09:28:17 -0800
Subject: RE: Ubermensch in DSII?
I've only read the first two books in the series, started the Stone
pooped out (it really began grating on me...) I think the Draka are a
idea both philosophically and from a game standpoint (unless you fall
the Anorak-Munchkin-Cheesemonger axis). Give geneered troops some
move,command, or morale bonuses and a little edge. Maybe make 'em able
work like hell through some scenarios (SG: High mission motivation for 1
two) then they drop off (too much combat drug induced stress, whatever).
They should be rare and expensive and have a downside IMHO.
> ----------
> From: Adrian Johnson[]
> Reply To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 1998 11:50 AM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Re: Ubermensch in DSII?
> >> I'm not 100% sure how to translate into Stargrunt, except to say
> >> one Drakensis should be able to have a platoon of NAC or ESU troops
> >> lunch, and hold his own against Sapiens in powered armor.
> >
> >Hmm. I recall reading marching through Georgia and I don't recall
> >them being quite that fearsome. How about a more moderate
> >representation:
> >
> FYI - Stirling wrote several more books with the Draka, and in the
> two, the Draka have mastered genetic engineering. They reengineered
> themselves, adding bits they liked from other species. They still
> human, but are stronger, faster, tougher, have active control over
> pheromes to manipulate the non-Draka around them, etc etc etc.
> Another person suggested that they never make mistakes - though if you
> read
> The Stone Dogs, the ending might be viewed as one - depends on point
> view.
> His interpretation of them for gaming purposes is not far off from
> ability in the stories - particularly the last one which takes place
> hundreds of years after Marching Through Georgia. There is a scene in
> which one Draka takes on a platoon size force of regular humans armed
> high-energy plasma rifles (I think... they were energy weapons of some
> kind, anyway). They had guns, she had a bushknife, and of course she
> through them like a hot knife through butter.
> Anyway - the game representation was true to the stories (now, whether
> not you buy into the whole Draka idea is another issue...)