Re: Ubermensch in DSII?
From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:50:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Ubermensch in DSII?
>> I'm not 100% sure how to translate into Stargrunt, except to say that
>> one Drakensis should be able to have a platoon of NAC or ESU troops
>> lunch, and hold his own against Sapiens in powered armor.
>Hmm. I recall reading marching through Georgia and I don't recall
>them being quite that fearsome. How about a more moderate
FYI - Stirling wrote several more books with the Draka, and in the
two, the Draka have mastered genetic engineering. They reengineered
themselves, adding bits they liked from other species. They still look
human, but are stronger, faster, tougher, have active control over their
pheromes to manipulate the non-Draka around them, etc etc etc.
Another person suggested that they never make mistakes - though if you
The Stone Dogs, the ending might be viewed as one - depends on point of
His interpretation of them for gaming purposes is not far off from their
ability in the stories - particularly the last one which takes place
hundreds of years after Marching Through Georgia. There is a scene in
which one Draka takes on a platoon size force of regular humans armed
high-energy plasma rifles (I think... they were energy weapons of some
kind, anyway). They had guns, she had a bushknife, and of course she
through them like a hot knife through butter.
Anyway - the game representation was true to the stories (now, whether
not you buy into the whole Draka idea is another issue...)