Re: [SG2] APFCs in Stargrunt
From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 06:27:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG2] APFCs in Stargrunt
"John M. Atkinson" wrote:
> ten or fifteen years. But thinking on this, and considering various
> I've read, I've decided what we'll likely see will be the subdermal
> implants above, which will be storage units to hold Basic personal
> (Name, Rank, SSN), Medical Records, Classification held, Military
> Personell Records Jacket, et al. One would implanted in the back of
> skull, another (emergency backup) elsewhere. Shortrange IFF, required
> to use most military equipment--if you pick up a radio, and you havn't
> got one, it blanks out the frequencies automatically and zeros out the
> crypto gear.
You'd have to be careful and make the chip "stealthy".
It wouldn't do to have the enemy equipped with *long* range
IFF, doing what the friendly IFF does.
Say, guarding a critical site. Your soldiers try to infiltrate
in the dead of night. Alas, the enemy's IFF technology
( cloned from your technology ) is busy in the heart of the
site, broadcasting "identify yourself" queries.
The hapless infiltration's chips send back their name,
rank, and security clearance. The enemy's autoguns swivel
and blaze away with a volley of homing bullets, which
impact neatly at the base of each of your soldier's skulls.