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[DS2] Moon Stats (was: Moon - Help Requested)

From: "Ya know, 'androgynous' is an awful big word for a thursday" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 13:57:48 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [DS2] Moon Stats (was: Moon - Help Requested)

Brian Bell calls out:

>I am going to run a DS2 game at the GZG-ECC. It is based on the Moon.
>I need some help:
>1. First, I need some help with DFFG's in a vacuum. At first, I was of
>the opinion that they would have a longer range, since it would not
>diffuse into the (nonexistent) atmosphere. In this, I pictured that it
>was held in magnetic containment for the full distance to the target.
>After a closer reading, the plasma is not contained once it leaves the
>barrel of the gun. Having never taken a physics class, my question is:
>Would the plasma remain as a cohesive ball of gas, maintain the same
>dispersal pattern or be even more quickly dispersed?

This one I can't help you with.


>2. Second, the Moon is about 1/6th the mass of the Earth. However, it
>less dense (and contains fewer heavy metals). But I have been unable to
>find what the circumference of the moon. I am trying to figure out the
>distance to the horizon on the Moon. If anyone can provide information
>or insight on this matter, it will be appreciated.

Your stats are in error re: the Moon's mass. Your individual *weight*
on the moon is ~1/6 that on Earth, but this does not correspond directly
to the Moon massing 1/6 that of Earth. It's more like 1/8. Here are some

The Moon:

  Mass: 	       734.9x10(**20) (+/- 0.7) kg
  Relative Mass:       123x10(**-2)  or  0.123003 Mass(Earth)
  Density	       3.34x10(**3) kg m(-3)
  Relative Density:    0.59045 Density(Earth)
  Radius:	       1738 km

>From here it's relatively straightforward to calculate the
circumference.	:)

Depending on your scale, I don't think the moon's limiting horizon would
limit *that* much compared to range of weapons...but ymmv.

Only the bravest try where eagles and angels dare to fly

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