Re: [FT][SG][DS] Canada, the US Civil War II, and the structure of the NAC (really long)
From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:48:26 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT][SG][DS] Canada, the US Civil War II, and the structure of the NAC (really long)
>> and geographical factors. The old State organization of the US is
>> disolved, with several exceptions: The new areas include New England,
>> Great Lakes Region, The Carolinas, Florida, Texas, California, the
>> West, the Rocky Mountain States, and the Great Central Plains. Each
>You're missing great hunks of the US. Virginia, WVa, Maryland,
>Kentucky, etc, etc, etc.
<snip, and add in bit from another post>
>Where does the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, etc) fit
>The Rocky Mountain States? We're pretty far from any Rockies...
<snip, and add in another bit from another post>
>There ain't nothing in the US East of the Rockies worth mentioning!
>Viva los California y Tejas Libre!
>Feeling funny after a big lunch....
OK, before anyone else gets prickly about the names I picked for the
regions of the US that join the NAC, I'll make a couple of comments
First - I wasn't trying to offend anybody with the ones I picked - they
were convenient at the time. But what about the IDEA. I really don't
what names are used. I figure we could argue 'til the cows come home
about which states join which region, the merits of one area going here
another going there, yadda yadda yadda. Please make suggestions. I'm
to anything.
But what about the idea?
OK - as to suggestions...: <pulling out US map and switching on US
history memory from university...>
Alaska and Hawaii - direct entry into NAC 'cause of geographic isolation
(tho' you might say that Alaska is subsumed into the "Canada" region, by
virtue of location)
North East Region - The New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Maryland, DC, etc
South East Region - the Virginias, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Georgia,
Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana???
Florida - direct entry 'cause of majority Hispanic population, and it
doesn't quite fit "the South"
Texas - direct entry 'cause, well, it's Texas...
South West Region - Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico -
majority population Hispanic
North West Region - Washington, Oregon, Northern California
Great Plains Region - Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Minnesota,
Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah (?) tho' maybe Utah goes in
South West...
Great Lakes Region - Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
So - you end up with 10 separate regions joining the NAC at the same
Remember what these are for - they aren't separate "countries", but have
greater degree of independence in some areas than do present US states
Canadian provinces.
These names are completely generic. And uninteresting. Suggestions???