RE: [FT] PBEM game parameters?
From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:14:32 -0600
Subject: RE: [FT] PBEM game parameters?
> Is there a 'set protocol' that players expect when setting up a
> PBEM games?
> i.e. do you always use FTFB rules, or are MT rules acceptable? Vector
> cinematic movement? Sensor rules?
> I'm asking because I'm thinking of setting up a game or two, and I
like to
> know the expectations of the players before setting up the
> scenarios. TIA!
Well, my advice is run what you want. The games I ran were battles I
to see but it is hard to find other players were I am so I got a bunch
players together from around the world for a couple games.
My Starfleet Wars based universe used MT rules (FB wasn't out then but
next game will be updated to FB level) with cinematic movement and ship
that I wanted to give out (no true sensor rules). Other games I have
in have used vector movement, homebrewed aliens, official sensors, 3 or
sides, etc (it always varied).
Just create a scenario that you are interested in and let your potential
players know some basics before the game so they can decide if they want
play or not. Things like vector movement or weird alien ships may turn
some players so let them know ahead of time what kind of game it will be
how much time it will take, (how often orders will be due).
Also try and get a few alternates for each side. I lost a few players
the way in my first game, but then none in my second, jut be prepared.
There will be some people who don't have the time to play but want to
the action so provide for lurkers to get in on the conversation.
I've been lucky and gotten a lot of help from other players in getting
page, map, and even mailing list support. I think those things can
help a
game but they are not manditory to run one. If you don't set those up,
side will probably do it or something similar for themselves anyway.
Just try to keep it fun.
My PBEM games
Deneb Clash:
Vanguard Cruise:
Coming sometime in 1999 - 'Here Kitty Kitty...' the Aquarians test out
invisibility screens and long range weaponry on a Carnivoran task force.