Re: [FT] The Sa'Vasku
From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Sat, 05 Dec 1998 23:46:06 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] The Sa'Vasku
> > I was under the impression space was not cold, rather it had a lack
> > of temperature - because as I understood it temperature is a
> > of matter relating to how excited or how expanded the particles were
> > and what phase they were in or some such. As a result, space being
> > largely empty, doesn't really have much of a temperature.
Right, but...
> > And you can't effectively lose heat in space (by ejecting water)
> > because (I could be wrong) the water has no nearby particle which it
> > can transfer its energy (heat) to, therefore it is unlikely to
> > freeze. I believe you require a transfer of energy between molecules
> > or some such to change temperature.
Damn, and here all this time I've been thinking the Sun radiated energy.
8 )