Prev: Re: [FT/FB] Maximum ship size Next: Re: [fh ot] Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 17:52:15 -0500

Tony Christney wrote:
> >Is NSL space anywhere "coreward" where the KV are coming from.
> >
> I dunno! The other option would be to reorganize Nyrath's data to
> fit with the direction the Kra'Vak are coming from... Put the
> NSL right in the line of fire...

	I was afraid of that.
	I'll do a quick remake of the map.

	You see, the large map I did was in equatorial
	co-ords.  The x-y plane is the plane of the 
	earth's equator.  It has absolutely
	nothing to do with the galaxy.

	I can re-run the program and output it in
	galactic co-ords. In that, the x-y plane
	is the plane of the galaxy. The plus X
	axis points coreward, the minus x axis
	is rimward, the plus y axis is spinward,
	and the negative y axis is trailing.

	With the new map we can see if the
	NSL is in the right place, a sitting
	duck squarely in the Kra'Vak's 
	line of advance.

	I'll be working on this during the week-end.

Prev: Re: [FT/FB] Maximum ship size Next: Re: [fh ot] Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)