RE: [FT] K'V Armour Vs. Weapons
From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 16:53:32 -0000
Subject: RE: [FT] K'V Armour Vs. Weapons
>I disagree. That Integral Armour costs money and takes up
>space. Economics would indicate that they'd only include it in hulls
>needed it. I don't see armour as fundamental to the K'V any more than
>are to the humans.
Its fundamental in that MT said it was basic to KV ship design.
You are proposing to change that premise. I don't know how popular
that level of change is. From existing feedback on this thread
people are reactionary and want the KV as close to MT as possible.
I suppose I do to.
>If we assign MASS 4 and MASS 8 minimums, respectively, then it
>doesn't make a whole lot of sense to build it into a MASS 30 Destroyer.
Having a MASS 30 destroyer with equivalent of Level 1 Screens
were what made the KV so feared. You just pulled some of their
>Besides, if the Itegral Armour was inherent in EVERY K'V ship, then we
>should have included it in the hull cost and downed the number
>of boxes to compensate.
Now there's a thought ;-)
-= tim jones =-