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Re: GZGL FH - Habitats in Space.

From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 16:04:20 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: GZGL FH - Habitats in Space.

On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, Thomas Barclay wrote:
> Counter/Otherpoints: 
> 1. I can make some stuff in space (crystals etc) that I can't manage 
> in a gravity well. 

as i said - silicon wafers, ball bearings and dilithium crystals. you
need space stations to make these, but they strike me as highly
processes, not requiring much in the way of habitat for support. of
course, i am not an expert on making dilithium crystals; perhaps it is a
manual job?

> 2.  I might need to live in a system for strategic reasons having 
> nothing to do with resources. 

put a fleet anchorage or a scientific field station there. maintaining a
real civlian population in a system where one is not needed is going to
far too expensive to justify unless the stratgic reasons are *really*

> 3. Some of the inner colonies may have been established with weaker 
> stardrives which limited options so space stations may have been the 
> only approach. 

good point. however, i find it a little hard to believe that people
keep living in (and maintaining) old space habitats when earthlike
became available.

don't forget what i said about freeports: these are vital and very
profitable, so expect lots of space stations with habitat and commercial
facilities hanging about in strategically vital systems at the hubs of
trade networks. and with no flipping ambassadors hanging about getting
the way!


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