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Re: [FT] Size of "Countries" in FT

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 07:19:38 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Size of "Countries" in FT

( Mr. Barclay is talking about the GIF map I sent him
  of my proposed Full Thrust astrography )

Thomas Barclay wrote:
> 1. Doesn't this strike you as a tad odd? That is to say, there are
> colonies inside of the inner colonies which are not controlled by the
> UN (if I see the map correctly). I'd think this unlikely, but am
> willing to entertain theories....

	Ummmm, I'm not sure what you mean.  On the map, 
	Alpha Mensae (NAC) *looks* like it is within the
	inner colonies, but it is actually more than
	eight parsecs *below* the surface of the map.
	You have to look at the star list to determine
	how far each star is above or below the surface of
	the map.

> 2. Is this based off your excellent word document which lists who
> owns what?

	Yep. Sure is.

> 3. This provides interesting rivalries (one I really look forward to
> is FSE NSL - its so traditional).

	I tried.  You will note how I placed the Romanov Hegemony
	at a strategic choke point between the NAC, LLAR, 
	Indonesia, and the ESU.

> 4. What are the significance of the lines between.

	There is a line drawn between each star and it's
	closest neighbor.

> 5. Has anyone thought about the idea of the inner colonies being
> multinational or even some rich outer colonies being so due to having
> more than one valuable planet in a system, either controlled by
> allies or by enemies? This seems an interesting idea and probably
> likely in some cases.

	Good Idea.  Like I said, my map is more to get the
	ball rolling, feel free to alter it.

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