Prev: Re: GZGL DSII - Hostile Environment Suited Infantry Next: Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)

Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)

From: John and Roxanne Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 09:52:12 -0800
Subject: Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Stars)

Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:
> >Tony Wilkinson said:
> >>	  I hope that by "planet types" you mean habitable planets.
> >
> >Yes.  I assume that if it isn't worth living there, it isn't worth
> >over.  For those cases where you have a mining or research
settlement, it's
> >easy enough to have habitat domes on whatever terrain you feel like
> >fighting on.
> Resources, resources, resources. There are many instances of places
> worth living in that are often fought over.
> Schoon

     Schoon has hit the nail on the head.   nothing else matters,
the availability of resources and the desire to acquire them is 
what drives all the action.
     In Campaign98, a planet has only one value, how many resource
points it produces.   (This also limits the ability to garrison the 
Planet types:
Small and medium hot.
Small and medium cold.
Gas giant and moons.

One Resource point equals 10 FT build points and 1 mass
during shipment. (Shipment presumes a build facility does not 
exist at the planet/)

     To make any non-habitable planet produce, three resource points
(one time cost) must be put into the planet for each resource point
taken out.
     The object for us, is to produce space combat situations, but 
this could easily work for ground combat.
Bye for now,
John L.

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