RE: [FT] Railgun/Fuel Chat Results
From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 20:05:15 -0800
Subject: RE: [FT] Railgun/Fuel Chat Results
>>We came to several tentative agreements on these - subject to some
>>playtesting. Keep the P-Torp/RG to hit mechanism as is. Roll a
>>number of dice equal to the class of the RG, less 1 die per 12" of
>Going from the description I extrapolate that a Class 1 at 15MU doesn't
>roll any to hit die? Thus a Class 1 has a maximum range of 12MU?
Yup. Keep in mind, this isn't written in stone, it's just what we
>Shouldn't there be an equal chance of hit for all classes.
Not necessarily. Say larger RGs hurl their projectiles at higher
velocities, thus making target prediction more easy.